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Summary of interests
Contact me steve@steveransome.com for information
Please let me know of any broken links, comments or corrections
( 111 )
"Advanced health-state data analytic workflow for utility-scale photovoltaic power plants"
Jesus Montes-Romero, Loucas Pikolos, Andreas Makrides, George Makrides, Steve Ransome,
Juergen Sutterlueti, Spyros Theocharides, Nino Heinzle, George E. Georghiou.
( 110 )
"Getting more useful information from modelling of
IV curves and matrix measurements"
Steve Ransome
( 109 )
"3AP.1.3 Blind photovoltaic modeling intercomparison"
Marios Theristis (Sandia), Joshua S. Stein (Sandia) + 22? other authors + Steve Ransome (SRCL)
( 108 )
Steve Ransome (SRCL) and Juergen Sutterlueti (Gantner Instruments)
( 107 )
"Keynote Talk: 2021 PVPMC Modeling Comparison
Marios Theristis + 27 authors + SRCL
Pending peer-reviewed publication"
( 106 )
"Advanced System Monitoring and Artificial Intelligent
Data-Driven Analytics to Serve GW Scale Photovoltaic
Power Plant and Energy Storage Requirements"
Juergen Sutterlueti + UCY + SRCL...
( 105 )
"Improving IEC 61853 Energy Yield Modelling with LFM and MPM models"
Steve Ransome (SRCL), Juergen Sutterlueti (Gantner Instruments)
( 104 )
"Benchmarking PV performance models with high quality IEC 61853 Matrix measurements
(Bilinear interpolation, SAPM, PVGIS, MLFM and 1-diode)"
Steve Ransome (SRCL)
( 103 )
Steve Ransome (SRCL)
( 102 )
"Modelling of PV modules and systems"
Steve Ransome Virtual presentation
( 101 )
"Accurate module performance characterisation using novel outdoor matrix methods"
Steve Ransome and Juergen Sutterlueti (Gantner Instruments)
( 100 ) "Advanced degradation modelling - finding causes and rates, Steve Ransome "
( 99 )
"How to use the Loss Factors and Mechanistic Performance Models effectively with PVPMC/PVLIB"
Steve Ransome SRCL
( 98 )
"Improvements to the IEC 61853 matrix energy rating methodology, validated with the NREL dataset"
Steve Ransome Virtual poster
( 97 ) "An advanced modelling method to determine the rates and causes of PV degradation Steve Ransome "
( 96 ) "5BO5.2 PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF MECHANISTIC AND MACHINE LEARNING MODELS FOR PHOTOVOLTAIC ENERGY YIELD PREDICTION Andreas Livera, Marios Theristis, George Makrides, Juergen Sutterlueti, Steve Ransome and George E. Georghiou"
( 95 )
"Quantifying Long Term PV Performance and Degradation under Real Outdoor and IEC 61853 Test Conditions Using High Quality Module IV Measurements" 5CV.4.35 "
Steve Ransome and Juergen Sutterlueti(Gantner Instruments)
( 94 )
ORAL "Checking the new IEC 61853.1-4 with high quality 3rd party data to benchmark its practical relevance in energy yield prediction"
Steve Ransome and Juergen Sutterlueti(Gantner Instruments) Presented 20 Jun 2019
( 93 )
"Advanced PV performance analysis on modules and power plants using cloud-based processing"
Juergen Sutterlueti and Steve Ransome
( 92 ) "Performance evaluation of PV power predictive models for real-time monitoring"
Andreas Livera1, Marios Theristis1, George Makrides1, Juergen Sutterlueti2, Steve Ransome3 and George E. Georghiou1
1 University of Cyprus; 2 Gantner Instruments GmbH; 3 SRCL
( 91 )
"16 YEARS OF PV PROGRESS since pvsat-1 (2003-19)"
Steve Ransome et al
( 90 )
"Comparison of PV modelling approaches for assessment of PV module performance
Steve Ransome and Juergen Sutterlueti(Gantner Instruments)
( 89 )
"Adaptable PV performance modelling 5CV.1.28 "
Steve Ransome and Juergen Sutterlueti(Gantner Instruments)
( 88 )
"Solar PV Design, Performance and Measurement"
Steve Ransome
( 87 )
"Validating Energy Yield Modelling with the NREL Outdoor Dataset"
Steve Ransome
( 86 )
"Using similar mathematical modelling with both single module IV curve measurements and array Inverter data"
Juergen Sutterlueti(Gantner Instruments) and Steve Ransome
( 85 )
Steve Ransome
( 82 ) "A Systematic Comparison of >7 Empirical Models Used for Energy Yield Predictions vs PV Technology 5CO.7.6"
( 81 )
"How to Choose the best Empirical Model for Optimum Energy Yield Predictions"
Steve Ransome and Juergen Sutterlueti(Gantner Instruments
( 80 )
Steve Ransome and Juergen Sutterlueti(Gantner Instruments)
( 79 )
"Choosing the best Empirical Model for predicting energy yield"
Steve Ransome and Juergen Sutterlueti(Gantner Instruments)
( 78 )
"Maintaining Optimum Performance from Large Scale Utility Applications"
Juergen Sutterlueti, Torsten Becker and Joerg Scholz (Gantner Instruments) , Steve Ransome (SRCL UK)
( 77 )
"Determining the causes and rates of PV degradation using the Loss Factors Model with high quality IV measurements"
Steve Ransome (SRCL UK) and Juergen Sutterlueti (Gantner Instruments)
( 76 ) "INVITED Performance rating and degradation analysis of PV modules"
( 75 )
"Advanced Performance Monitoring System for Improved Reliability and Optimized Levelized Cost of Electricity"
George Makrides, Alexander Phinikarides, Juergen Sutterlueti, George E. Georghiou and Steve Ransome
( 74 )
"Degradation Analysis of PV Technologies Using NREL and Gantner Instruments Outdoor Data"
Steve Ransome and Juergen Sutterlueti
( 73 )
Steve Ransome, Josh Stein, Will Holmgren, Juergen Sutterlueti
( 72 )
"Using Advanced PV and BoS Modelling and Algorithms to Optimize the Performance of Large Scale Utility Applications"
Juergen Sutterlueti (Gantner Instruments) and Steve Ransome
For more information please contact " J.Sutterlueti [at] gantner-environment.com "
( 71 )
"The 'best' PV Model Depends on the Reason for Modelling"
Steve Ransome and Juergen Sutterlueti (Gantner Instruments)
( 70 )
"5DO.11.6 A Comparison of PV Performance Prediction Model Types for Different Technologies from Outdoor Measurements"
Steve Ransome and Juergen Sutterlueti (Gantner Instruments)
( 69 )
"Worldwide photovoltaic energy yield sensitivity from a variety of input losses"
Expanded journal paper from PVSAT10 - Steve Ransome
( 68 )
"#3067 Improved PV Performance modelling by combining the PV_LIB Toolbox with the Loss Factors Model (LFM)" - with Sutterlueti + Scholz (Gantner Instruments), Stein (Sandia National Laboratories)
( 67 )
Steve Ransome
Existing or potential new clients can write and ask for a copy of the paper
( 66 )
Steve Ransome and Juergen Sutterlueti (TEL Solar)
( 65 )
"5BV.2.54 How Simulation Program kWh/kWp Predictions Depend on PV Model Discrepancies"
Steve Ransome
( 64 )
"5BV.2.18 Using the Loss Factors Model to Improve PV Performance Modelling for Industrial Needs "
Steve Ransome and Juergen Sutterlueti (Tel Solar)
( 63 ) "#581 Energy Modelling and Rating - Area 9 Plenary"
( 62 )
"Worldwide PV energy yield sensitivity from a variety of input losses"
( 61 ) "Accuracy of energy yield simulation" Invited talk
( 60 )
'4CO.11.1 Outdoor PV Performance Evaluation of Three Different Models: Single-diode, SAPM and Loss Factor Model'
Joshua S. Stein(1), Juergen Sutterlueti(2), Steve Ransome(3), Clifford W. Hansen(1), Bruce H. King(1)
(1) Sandia National Laboratories; (2) TEL Solar; (3) SRCL
( 59 )
4AV.5.52 A "Variable Coefficient 1-Diode Model" VC1D for More Accurate Energy Modelling'
( 58 )
"Estimating the Sensitivity of Energy Performance
from Optimising Different PV Technologies World Wide"
by Steve Ransome (SRCL) and Juergen Sutterlueti (TEL) - System Performance Modeling session, 17 June 2013 3:30 PM
( 57 )
'The sensitivity and limitations of present and alternative PV models'
Steve Ransome (SRCL) and Juergen Sutterlueti (TEL)'
available at PVPMC http://pvpmc.org/documents/
( 56 )
Invited talk "Status in Measurement and Modelling of PV Systems performance"
( 55 )
"Measurement and Modelling of PV System performance"
SRCL clients and attendees at the conference can request a colour pdf of the presentation
( 54 )
"4CO.12.6 The sensitivity of LCOE to PV technology including degradation, seasonal annealing, spectral and other effects"
Steve Ransome(SRCL)and Juergen Sutterlueti (Oerlikon Solar)
( 53 )
"4EO.3.5 Understanding Module Performance further: validation of the novel loss factors model and its extension to ac arrays"
Stefan Sellner, Juergen Sutterlueti, Ludwig Schreier (Oerlikon Solar) and Steve Ransome (SRCL)
( 52 )
#854 Advanced PV module performance characterization and validation using the novel Loss Factors Model"
Stefan Sellner, Juergen Sutterlueti, Ludwig Schreier (Oerlikon Solar) and Steve Ransome (SRCL)
( 51 )
#898 PV technology differences and discrepancies in modelling between simulation programs and measurements"
invited talk in section 9.6 by Steve Ransome of SRCL with Juergen Sutterlueti and Stefan Sellner (Oerlikon Solar)
( 50 )
- SRCL clients may request a copy of the talk by e-mail
( 49 )
"4AV.2.41 Characterising PV Modules under Outdoor Conditions: What's Most Important for Energy Yield"
J. Sutterlueti et al - Oerlikon Solar, S. Ransome - SRCL
( 48 )
"4DO.6.4 Improving and Understanding kWh/kWp Simulations"
- SRCL clients may request a copy of the talk by e-mail
( 47 )
"How kWh/kWp Modelling and Measurement Comparisons Depend on Uncertainty and Variability"
- SRCL clients may request a copy of the talk by e-mail
( 46 )
"Measuring and modelling PV technologies worldwide"
- conference attendees and SRCL clients may request a copy of the talk by e-mail
"Updated status on discrepancies between measured and modelled outdoor performance"
( 44 )
Invited talk "Comparing indoor and outdoor PV performance measurements with simulation program modelling redictions"
- conference attendees and SRCL clients may request a copy of the talk by e-mail
( 43 )
Invited talk "Recent Studies of PV Performance Models"
- conference attendees and SRCL clients may request a copy of the talk by e-mail
"The present status of kWh/kWp measurements and modelling" 4CO-20-3
"Comparing PV simulation models and methods with outdoor measurements"
(40) Errors and uncertainties in kWh/kWp modelling, predictions and measurements" Invited paper - email me for a copy of presentation
"A detailed comparison of measured outdoor performance vs. simulation program predictions for different PV technologies"
"kWh/kWp : Comparing modelling, claims and measurements" in English only
(37) "Outdoor charakterisierung, modellierung und technologie benchmark von Duennschicht-modulen" See Staffelstein proceedings or contact juergen.sutterlueti@oerlikon.com
"Errors and uncertainties in kWh/kWp modelling, predictions and measurements"
4CO1.5 "Are kWh/kWp values really the best way to differentiate between PV technologies ?"
4CO1.3 "Outdoor characterisation and modelling of thin film modules and technology benchmarking"
see the DVD of the proceedings from the Hamburg conference or contact juergen.sutterlueti@oerlikon.com
(33) Invited paper - email me for a copy of presentation
"Understanding kWh/kWp by comparing measured data with modelling predictions and performance claims"
(31) Invited paper - email me for a copy of presentation
(30) Invited paper - email me for a copy of presentation
"Understanding Outdoor PV Performance Measurements"
(28) Invited paper - email me for a copy of presentation
Invited paper "Analysing array performance"
4DO.9.6 "A Review of kWh/kWp Measurements, Analysis and Modelling"
4BV.1.58 "Array Performance Analysis Using Imperfect or Incomplete Input Data"
Area7 paper 521 "Modelling inaccuracies of PV energy yield simulations"
"How accurate can PV energy yield simulations be?"
4EP.1.1 " How well do PV modelling algorithms really predict performance?"
"A Summary of Outdoor Testing and Modelling of PV Systems"
"Eight Years Testing and Modelling PV Systems - Worldwide" - German Only Paper
5CP.3.1 "4% Higher Energy Conversion from BP 7180 Modules"
"4% Increased energy collection from 83 kWp test -Saturn 7-series" German only Paper
6DV.4.32 "Why Hourly Averaged Measurement Data Insufficient to Model PVSystem Performance Accurately"
5CO.2.1 "Increased Energy Collection using Anti-Reflective Coated Glass"
"Findings from Worldwide Studies of PV Module and System Performance"
"External Performance of BP Solar 7180 Modules in Australia and Germany" - German only Paper
"A Summary of 6 years performance modelling from 100+ sites worldwide"
"Advanced analysis of PV system performance using normalised measurement data" winner of "outstanding poster award"
"Crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules with anti-reflective coated glass"
5BV_1_56 "Can grid tied PV systems be characterised with only monthly average values of PR ?"
5BV_1_57 "Quantifying PV losses from equivalent circuit models, cells, modules and arrays"
7P-B3-03 "An overview of 4 years of kWh/kWp monitoring"
7P-B3-69 "Optimising pv array performance using real time measurements"
"A 4 year study of kWh/kWp modelling of different technologies at more than 50 sites worldwide"
OE6.2 "Understanding and correcting kWh/kWp measurements"
402.7 "Performance of BP Solar Tandem Junction Amorphous Silicon Modules"
503.1 "kWh/kWp Dependency on PV Technology and Balance of Systems Performance"
OA4.3 "Analysis of Measured kWh/kWp from Grid Tied Systems - Modelling Different Technologies"
5P1.15 "Predicting kWh/kWp Performance For Amorphous Silicon Thin Film Modules"
Contact me steve@steveransome.com for information